On Road Parking

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Right to Park

What is the Highway for?

It is the common means by which we may travel on foot or vehicle.

It is not a Car Park.

So, why do we tolerate so many vehicles, mainly cars, blocking the highway by parking on it? There is no right to park on the highway. There is a right to load, unload, set down, pick up, but not to park.

Parked vehicles are the biggest casue of urban, and often rural, congestion. On most roads remove the parked vehicles and trafic would flow smoothly.

I have a house, I park my vehicles on my land, not on the road.

You have no where on your land to park your vehicle. Tough, rent elsewhere or acquire a vehicle that you can park on your land. Why should I subsidise your parking with my road tax, tax to provide me with good clear roads.

I try and practise what I preach. I will pay for a car park in town rather than blocking the road to avoid paying a few pennies.

You cannot afford to park? You cannot afford a car.

Free the roads for travelers - NOW.